简介:The film follows the fun adventures of three ancient Egyptian mummies who live in an underground secret city, hidden in ancient Egypt. The trio includes a princess, a former charioteer, and his younger brother, along with their pet baby crocodile. Through a series of unfortunate events, the mummies end up in present-day London and embark on a wacky and hilarious journey in sear...
简介:Ex-special forces officer turned Private security bodyguard Arjun Varma, agrees to protect Central Environment Minister Adtiya Raj Bahadur while he’s in London for a Climate Change Conference at the UN. But a series of events force him to protect much more than his client.
简介: As a means to distract herself from an affair, a love-addicted woman befriends a cleaning lady, badly scarred by burns. She soon learns, these scars run much deeper than the surface.