简介:An Animated tale in the style of Raymond Briggs' "The Snowman" and "Father Christmas", This tale is about a girl named tilly who visits the zoo and accidentally drops her teddy bear into the polar bear exhibit. Crying herself to sleep she wakes to find the polar bear in her room with he teddy bear. Tilly cares for the polar bear and hides it from her parents, which is no small feet. But he call of the wild bear constallation takes her on an adventure accross the night sky.
简介:In a small, remote village in upstate Quebec, things have changed. Locals are not the same anymore - their bodies are breaking down and they developed an outlandish attraction for flesh.
简介: 根据Howard Buten的(法国版)小说When I Was Five I Killed Myself(该书中文版http://book.douban.com/subject/6759296/)改编的法国电视电影。背景为上个世纪50年代的法国,故事主要发生在一家儿童精神病院。